# | Matrix | Title | Take | Time | SP | Orig.LP | Reis.LP | CD |
a |
| Announcement [Bruce Elliott] | | 0:14 |
| Spotlite SPJ 108 |
| Philo.v.17(W847) |
"United States Savings Bods and the Mutual Network present Bands for Bonds, featuring the winners of Bands for Bonds' unprecedented battle of jazz. Barry Ulanov's [sic] and his All-Star Metronome Jazzmen..." |
b |
| 52nd Street Theme (theme) | | 1:30 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.v.17(W847) |
Voiceover (0:14-1:15): "Now let's introduce these men to you, 'cause they're the men you voted for. First, Fats Navarro, trumpet; Charlie Parker, alto sax; John LaPorta, clarinet; Allen Eager, tenor; Billy Bauer,
guitar [Tristano solos] -- and you heard, ah, Lennie Tristano on the piano before, that's Billy now; Tommy Potter on the bass; and the next spot is Buddy Rich on the drums..." |
c |
| Introduction [B.Elliott & B.Ulanov] | | 0:37 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.17(W847) |
Elliott: "Whew! Well, that's the lineup, and of course there's going to be Sarah Vaughan whom we'll meet later. But you've met your jazzmen, so now let's meet their leader, Barry Ulanov, editor of Metronome magazine. You take over from here, Barry, all right?" Ulanov: "Thank you very much. Well apparently we're the great winners of the great battle we fought for two weeks on this network in September. We won't talk much at the beginning; we'll let you know more about these men later. You've heard each of the men's names called, now let's hear what these men can do with 'Back Home in Indiana', retitled for the purposes of this broadcast and some very astonishing recording noises by Charlie Parker as 'Donna Lee'..." |
d |
| Donna Lee (Back Home in Indiana) | | 2:27 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.17(W847) |
e |
| U.S. Savings Bonds commercial [Elliott] | | 0:44 |
"Hey, men, that wound up pretty fast didn't it? Uh, I got some news here, a message with a hundred-dollar bill enclosed. Yup, the U.S. Savings Bonds message. Yes, there's a hundred dollars in it for you every time you put three hundred dollars in Bonds. An extra hundred. And here's how you can start now to cash in on this big return on your money. You can purchase savings bonds in the sure, automatic way through the Payroll Savings Plan where you work. For every three dollars in Bonds now, get four in cash in only ten years. Simple, no trouble at all. So buy Bonds, those four-for-three, safe, sure U.S. Savings Bonds. Get 'em regularly through the Payroll Savings Plan where you work. Barry, it's all yours again. What's gonna happen now?" |
f |
| Introduction [Barry Ulanov] | | 0:24 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.17(W847) |
"I think we have a very great treat in store for us. Every once in a while, a very great singer comes up, and I know the adjective 'great' has been much abused in jazz, but I don't think this is an instance of it. When you hear Sarah Vaughan sing 'Everything I Have is Yours', with the rhythm section -- Lennie Tristano, Billy Bauer, Tommy Potter, and Buddy Rich -- behind her, I think you'll see how well deserved 'great' is for this singer..." |
g |
| Everything I Have Is Yours -vSV | | 2:47 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.17(W847) |
Add Sarah Vaughan (voc) |
h |
| Introduction [Barry Ulanov] | | 0:22 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.17(W847) |
"Thank you very much, Sarah Vaughan. One of the most unpleasant factors in jazz over the years has been I think the repetition of familiar tunes as the familiar tunes, the melodies are all too familiar, all too obvious. Well, we'll give you about fifty guesses on this next, because it's a double play from the original, to a revision, to a second revision, by Fats Navarro, who is a fine trumpet we've got now playing 'Fats Flats'..." |
i |
| Fats Flats (Hot House) | | 2:29 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.17(W847) |
Parker plays only on out chorus |
j |
| Introduction [Barry Ulanov] | | 0:37 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.17(W847) |
"Well, there was something of a clue in the last eight bars -- if you listened carefully, you heard 'Hot House'; if you listened even more carefully, you heard 'What is This Thing Called Love?' This band, ladies and gentlemen, fans, friends, and assorted listeners, is the band that won, in the two-week battle of jazz that New York 1947 played versus New Orleans 1907. Your mail established us the winners, and we're back today with a few substitutions here and there and all of them I think up to the very powerful snuff of the first. The next is 'Tea for Two', a tune which has also been much abused, but you'll hear no abuse as John LaPorta, one of the most favorably received of our first group, playing Vincent Youmans' 'Tea for Two'..." |
k |
| Tea For Two | | 2:25 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.17(W847) |
LaPorta only soloist |
l |
| Introduction [Barry Ulanov] | | 0:23 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.17(W847) |
"One of the things none of us at this end of jazz is ashamed of is novelty or newness, and one of the very great new names in jazz is Lennie Tristano. To some people he came out of nowhere, but then Chicago, Lennie's home town, is not nowhere, as the large mail we got from Chicago on our last two broadcasts, proves. You'll hear what Lennie does with Billy Bauer on guitar and Tommy Potter on bass, and his version of 'Don't Blame Me'..." |
m |
| Don't Blame Me | | 2:50 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.17(W847) |
Rhythm section only |
n |
| Introduction [Barry Ulanov] | | 0:37 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.17(W847) |
"One of the variations on a popular tune that we think will be around for a very long time is what Dizzy Gillespie and Charlie Parker did with 'Whispering' -- they called it 'Groovin' High', and we've got a groovy version for you now with Allen Eager, that very fine new tenor saxophonist, playing two choruses, with an ensemble chorus first and a couple of out choruses featuring Buddy Rich on drums, Billy Bauer on guitar, and Tommy Potter on bass. 'Groovin' High'..." |
o |
| Groovin' High | | 3:14 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.17(W847) |
Parker plays only on out chorus |
p |
| Introduction [B.Ulanov] | | 0:13 |
"The groove was made then by... a group of very... authoritative, authentic, modern jazzmen, the group that won, as you know, a two-week battle of jazz we played with Ridi Blesh in September. Now Bruce, you have some other credits to do?" |
q |
| U.S. Savings Bonds commercial [Elliott] | | 1:00 |
"Ah, yeah, Barry, I got a question here. Say, you want a gilt-edged way to brighten the future? Well, here it is: U.S. Savings Bonds. Savings Bonds pay you an extra hundred for every three hundred you invest. They're the kind of investment that builds solid security for the future. The kind that can pay for your children's college education, for your own home, or for the business you might be planning to go into. The more of them you get, the brighter your future will look. And the way to get those Bonds is, uh, not one
here, one there, but systematically -- either through the Payroll Savings Plan where you work, or the new Bond a Month Plan where you bank. Both plans are automatic, and both are sure. The Bond a Month Plan is specially convenient for farmers, lawyers, doctors, all you who happen to be self-employed. And the Payroll Savings Plan makes Bond-buying easy for anyone on a payroll. So, for you own sake, friends, get on the Bond wagon. Make the future brighter with Bonds. Barry? It's your turn." |
r |
| Introduction [B.Ulanov] | | 0:28 |
| SOUNDS 1206 |
"Well, we think we'll make the future six, seven, or eight minutes brighter, with Charlie Parker's 'Ko-Ko' played by everybody -- reading from left to right: Charlie Parker on alto; Fats Navarro on trumpet; Allen Eager on tenor saxophone; John La Porta on clarinet; Lennie Tristano, piano; Billy Bauer, guitar; Tommy Potter, bass; and Buddy Rich, drums. Everybody blows as we strike these blows for modern music with Charlie Parker's 'Ko-Ko'..." |
s |
| Ko Ko (with voiceover) into | | 5:47 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.17(W847) |
Ulanov voiceover (5:33-end): "You're listening to Lennie Tristano play now. You've listened to Charlie Parker, to Fats Navarro, to John LaPorta, to Allen Eager. The background rhythm is played of course by Billy Bauer, by Tommy Potter, by Buddy Rich. If you like the sound of this new music, write us and let us know." |
t |
| Anthropology (voiceover) | | 0:40 |
| Spot.SPJ 108 |
| Philo.17(W847) |
Bruce Elliott voiceover (0:06-0:30): "You've been listening to Bands for Bonds, which was produced by Larry Dorn, and came to you from our Mutual Studios in New York. Today we featured Barry Ulanov's All-Star Jazz Musicians. Presented by the Mutual Network and United States Savings Bonds, in cooperation with the American Federation of Musicians, James C. Petrillo, President. Bruce Elliott read the commercials, this is the Mutual Broadcasting System..." |
 | All titles, omit e, j, p, q, r | FESTIVAL(F) ALB-376 | "CHARLIE PARKER 1947-1948 (2LP)" |
All titles, omit e, j, p, q, r | JAZZ ANTHOLOGY (F)30JA-5164 | "RARE BROADCASTING PERFORMANCES" |
i, s, t | JAZZ LIFE/CA(I)BLJ-8017 | "THE BOP MASTERS" |
a (-inc. 0:04), b, c (-inc. 0:10), d, n, o, r (-inc. 0:18), s (-inc. ) | SOUNDS 1206 | "BIRD ON THE AIR (1944-45)" |
All titles, omit e, j, p, q, r | ZIM ZL-1002 | "ANTHROPOLOGY" |
All titles, omit e, j, p, q, r | SPOTLITE (UK) 108 | "ANTHROPOLOGY" |
All titles, omit e, j, p, q, r | ODEON(J) EOR-88015 | "ANTHROPOLOGY/ FATS NAVARRO, CHARLIE PARKER" |
 | a - d, s, t | MEDIA 7 MASTERS OF JAZZ MJCD 142 | "YOUNG BIRD, Volume 6 / CHARLIE PARKER" |
a - d, s, t | ESP-DISK 4050 | "BIRD IN TIME: 1940-1947" |
a, b, d, f, i, j, o, s, t | Fremeaux & Associes FA 1334 | "INTEGRALE CHARLIE PARKER VOL. 4 : BIRD OF PARADISE 1947" [3CDs] |
d, s | Jazz Archives No. 184 | "CHARLIE PARKER KLACTOVEEDSEDSTENE" |
a, b, f, g, k, l, m | Natasha Imports NI-4015 | "THE MILES DAVIS TUBA BAND / LENNIE TRISTANO: WHY DO I LOVE YOU? , RARE BROADCAST 1947-48" |
All titles, omit e, p - r | PHILOLOGY (I) W847.2 | "BIRD'S EYES, LAST UNISSUED, Volume 17" ( - j : incomplete) |
s, t | PHILOLOGY (I) W874 | "BIRD'S EYES, LAST UNISSUED, Volume 43" |