# | Matrix | Title | Take | Time | SP | Orig.LP | Reis.LP | CD |
aa |
| Introduction (Symphony Sid Torin) |
| 0:34 |
"And now, like Bird, who ha... (splice) ...the great artist, Sarah Vaughan. And how lovely you look... Why don't we, ah, sorta like, do one of the old ones that you made a little while back, one of the up things. But first, let's bring out Charlie 'Yardbird' Parker, ladies and gentlemen... And, uh, Stan Getz...
Ah, we're gonna really make this room swing. And ladies and gentlemen, one of the older tunes I hope you enjoy, 'I Cried for You'..." |
bb |
| I Cried for You | -inc. | 1:25 |
Add Sarah Vaughan (voc). Cut off in the middle of a terrific Parker solo |
First show: |
a' |
| Introduction (S.Sid Torin) into |
| 0:47 |
"Well, ladies and gentlemen, just in case we have a few squares in the house, I'd like to remind you that I'm a disk jer..., ah, jockey. I'm known as the all-night, all-frantic one, where everything is crazy on JZ. From midnight to 5:45 we play the sides, the records we hope you enjoy, directly from Birdland.
And if you listen to the program, you probably have heard us talk about a young gentleman who's had an idea, to blow in front of strings. Well, the idea has finally come true, and here for the first time at the Apollo stage, Mr. Jazz himself, let's give him a great big hand, Charlie 'Yardbird' Parker and Strings..." |
a |
| Repetition |
| 2:38 |
b |
| April In Paris |
| 3:09 |
c |
| Easy To Love |
| 2:16 |
d |
| What Is This Thing Called Love? into |
| 2:46 |
d' |
| Announcement (S.Sid Torin) |
| 0:18 |
"Charlie Parker, ladies and gentlemen, one of the great gentlemen of modern sound. Let's give him a great big hand. Bird! Aelish Yutfagel... Charlie Parker with wings [sic]... What a doll!" |
d" |
| Announcement (S.Sid Torin) |
| 0:34 |
"And now, ladies and gentlemen, like Bird, who had a great big idea, a young lady had an idea -- came from Newark, New Jersey; worked around in church choirs... Made her debut here in the Apollo Theatre, one of the amateur hours -- broke it up -- went with Earl 'Fatha' Hines band, then with Billy Eckstine,
and now on her own... Probably the greatest female vocalist we have today, let's bring her on with a great big hand, Sarah Vaughan, ladies and gentlemen..." |
e |
| My Gentleman Friend (Bird out) |
| 1:25 |
f |
| You're All I Need (Bird out) |
| 1:25 |
Introduced by Sarah Vaughan: "Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen, and right here I'd like to do a number I recorded with Billy Eckstine -- I just wish he was here so we could sing it together -- but nevertheless here goes 'You're All I Need'..." Parker out |
Second show: |
g' |
| Introduction (S.Sid Torin) into |
| 0:08 |
"And right now, ladies and gentlemen, the great Charlie 'Yardbird' Parker and Strings..." |
g |
| April In Paris |
| 3:13 |
h |
| Repetition |
| 2:40 |
i |
| Easy To Love |
| 2:16 |
j |
| What Is This Thing Called Love? into |
| 2:41 |
j' |
| Announcement (S.Sid Torin) |
| 0:30 |
"Charlie Parker, ladies and gentlemen... Yutfagel! Charlie 'Yardbird' Parker... Great gentleman of jazz. Great big hand for Charlie Parker... A doll, too... C'mon, Bird, one more. Yeah, Bird's goin' to Europe, Bird's goin' to the other side to hip the people, straighten 'em out a little bit..." |
Third show: |
k |
| Repetition |
| 2:36 |
l |
| April In Paris |
| 2:05 |
m |
| Easy To Love |
| 2:05 |
n |
| What Is This Thing Called Love? into |
| 2:09 |
Fourth show: |
o |
| Repetition |
| 2:34 |
p |
| April In Paris |
| 2:12 |
q |
| Easy To Love |
| 2:06 |
r |
| What Is This Thing Called Love? into |
| 2:06 |
Fifth show: |
s |
| Repetition |
| 2:25 |
t |
| April In Paris |
| 2:11 |
u |
| Easy To Love |
| 2:03 |
v |
| What Is This Thing Called Love? into |
| 2:07 |
Sixth show: |
w |
| Repetition |
| 2:25 |
x |
| April In Paris |
| 2:58 |
y |
| What Is This Thing Called Love? into |
| 2:37 |
z |
| Announcement |
| 0:06 |
"Charlie Parker, ladies and gentlemen, a great big hand for Mr. Jazz himself, Yardbird, Charlie..." (fade out) |
b, e, h | B & C Records (UK) Bird-1 | "THE ESSENTIAL CHARLIE PARKER, 1945-1953" (10LPs) |
a, d, e, f, g, h | Charlie Parker Records CP-503 | "C.PARKER : BIRD AT THE APOLLO" |
a - h, u - w | Charlie Parker Records CP-513 | "C.PARKER PLUS STRINGS" |
b, e, h | Saga (UK) ERO-8006 | "C.PARKER : VOL.2 : BE BOP" |
b, e, h | Sagapan (UK) 6908 | "C.PARKER : VOL.2 : BE BOP" |
 | a - h, u - w | Bird Box (Jazz Up Top Box CD-3007/9) | "LIVE AND PRIVATE RECORDINGS IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER" BIRD BOX VOL.7-9 [Disc 7] |
a', a, d, d', e, f, g', g - j | Black Lavel (Ca) BLCD 8002 | "BIRD AT THE APOLLO" |
a', a - d, g - j, k, l | Black Lavel (Ca) BLCD 8007 | "PARKER PLUS STRINGS" |
a', a, c, d, d', g - j, n | Fremeaux & Associes FA 1338 | "INTEGRALE CHARLIE PARKER VOL. 8 : "LAURA" 1950 [3CDs] |
c, d | The Golden Age of Jazz JZCD311 | "XII. C.PARKER / BIRD :RARITIES FROM PRIVATE COLLECTIONS 1950-1953" |
All titles | Philology (I) Vol.10 (W 200) | "BIRD'S EYES, VOLUME 10" |
All titles | Rare Live Recordings RLR 88669 | "COMPLETE BIRD AT THE APOLLO" |
c, d | Recording Arts Reference Edition / (swi) CD 04/05 | "RARE "BIRD" THE COLLECTOR'S CHARLIE PARKER, 25RARE CONCERT & TV PERFORMANCES" [2CDs] |
a, b, d | SAGA 5CD BOX CPBOX 2 | "CHARLIE PARKER 1945-1953 VOL.2" CPBOX 2/3 : THE BIRDLAND 1951 & APOLLO THEATRE BROADCASTS 1950 [disc 3] |