WOR Studios, New York City, Tuesday, Nobember 4, 1947.
Supervision: Ross Russell.

Miles Davis(tp); Charlie Parker(as); Duke Jordan(p); Tommy Potter(b); Max Roach(ds).

aD 1111-ABird Feathers
 No info.   
bD 1111-BBird Feathers
 No info.   
cD 1111-CBird Feathers-mst.2:51 Dial 207Spotlite(UK)105TOCJ-0008,-6203
dD 1112-AKlact-oveeseds-tene-mst.3:05Dial 1040(A)Dial 207Spotlite(UK)105TOCJ-0008,-6203
eD 1112-BKlact-oveeseds-tene-a.t.3:05 Dial 904Spotlite(UK)105TOCJ-0008,-6203
fD 1113-AScrapple from the Apple
 No info.   
gD 1113-BScrapple from the Apple-a.t.2:39 Dial 203Spotlite(UK)105TOCJ-0008,-6203
hD 1113-CScrapple from the Apple-mst.2:58Dial 1021(A)Dial 904Spotlite(UK)105TOCJ-0008,-6203
h'D 1113-CScrapple from the Apple
as "Little Bo Beep"
or "Little Be Bop"

 Dial 1021(A)   
iD 1114-AMy Old Flame-mst.3:14Dial 1058(B)Dial 207Spotlite(UK)105TOCJ-0008,-6204
jD 1115-AOut of Nowhere
4:03 Dial 207Spotlite(UK)105TOCJ-0008,-6204
kD 1115-BOut of Nowhere
3:50 Dial 904Spotlite(UK)105TOCJ-0008,-6204
lD 1115-COut of Nowhere
3:05 Dial 904Spotlite(UK)105TOCJ-0008,-6204
mD 1116-ADon't Blame Me-mst.2:47Dial 1021(B)Dial 203,904Spotlite(UK)105TOCJ-0008,-6204

Note; a, b, f - Unissued.
