007: "Charlie Parker at The Bandbox Club" |
Updated on 16 September, 2012 |
ードランドである。(Band Box は地階にあった)
ンドボックスは、いつ閉店したか等の詳細は不明です。 ただ6月26日には、ライオネル・ハンプトンと共演しており、その写真が存在する。 Charles Graham 「The Great Jazz Day」(Woodford press) によるとハーレム(161 W, 131 st)にBand boxが存在したと の記載があるが、関係は不明である。 ![]() パーカーがこのクラブで演奏した内容は、わずか3日間の放送記録しかありません。ただ、前述のように1953年6月26日には、 ライオネル・ハンプトンと共演している写真が存在するが、演奏は遺されておりません。 1953年2月13日のオープンから1週間の出演契約を行っているが、最初の放送録音は16日、ビル・ハリスとチャビー・ジャクソン・ハードのゲスト・ソロイス トとして参加した1曲のみ。 1953年3月23日の分で、バードは再びオルガンのミルト・バックナー・バンドのゲストとして現れる。ショーは1952年度 ダウンビート・ポールウイナー・ショーとして行なわれ、ホストは引き続きレナード・フェザーであった。1951年度と同じ 趣向だったが、TV放映ではなかった。パーカーは“グルーヴィン・ハイ”をブローする。 ロング・ヴァージョンのインタビューの中に、グラフトン社のプラスティック・アルトの話が出てくるが、この日もパーカ ーはプラスティック・アルトを使用したようである。 1953年3月30日の分には、バードが自己のカルテットで、このクラブから行なった、より長い演奏が納められている。 |
RB, 'Down Beat Poll Winners 1952', Monday, February 16, 1953. | ||
Bill Harris(tb); Charlie Mariano(as); Harry Johnson(ts);
Sonny Truitt(p); Chubby Jackson(b); Morey Feld(ds); Leonard Feather(m.c.). |
1. | Coogereni | 6:26 |
2. | Introduction (Leonard Feather) | 1:01 |
add. Charlie Parker(as) | ||
3. | Your Father's Moustache -vBand (voiceover) | 5:13 |
4. | Conversation between Feather and Parker | 1:42 |
530216 | STAN GETZ QUARTET | |
RB, 'Down Beat Poll Winners 1952', Monday, February 16, 1953. | ||
Stan Getz(ts); Hank Jones(p); Bill Crow(b); Buddy Rich(ds). | ||
5. | Too Marvelous For Words | |
6. | Everything Happens To Me | 3:25 |
7. | I'll Remember April | 4:31 |
8. | Strike Up The Band | 2:09 |
530216 | BUDDY DE FRANCO - BLAKEY 4 | |
530216 | ART TATUM |
530323 | JOE LOCO BAND (American Latin Jazz & Pop Pianist) | |
1. | Locorama | |
2. | Blues In The Night | |
3. | Boi Mir Bist Du Scheen | |
RB, Monday, March 23, 1953. | ||
Charlie Parker(as); Milt Buckner(org); Bernie McKay(g); Cornelius Thomas(ds); Leonard Feather(m.c.). |
4. | Conversation between Feather and Parker | 0:52 |
5. | Groovin' High | 3:33 |
530323 | MILT BUCKNER TRIO | |
6. | Russian Lullaby | |
7. | Trapped (add Terry Gibbs) | |
8. | Jumpin' At The Bandbox (Trio) |
RB, Monday, March 30, 1953. | ||
Charlie Parker(as); Walter Bishop Jr.(p); Kenny O'Brien(b); Roy Haynes(ds); Leonard Feather, Bob Garrity(m.c.). |
1. | Caravan (with introduction) | 1:08 |
2. | Star Eyes | 4:37 |
3. | My Little Suede Shoes (with voiceover Feather) | 0:44 |
4. | Ornithology | 4:53 |
5. | 52nd Street Theme (I) (with voiceover Garrity) | 0:51 |
6. | Conversation between Feather and Parker into | 0:40 |
7. | Diggin' Diz (announced by Parker as "Dynamo A") | 4:14 |
8. | 52nd Street Theme (II) (with announcement) | 0:35 |
9. | Embraceable You | 3:12 |
10. | 52nd Street Theme (III) (with closing annoucement) | 0:19 |
530323 | GEORGIA CARR | |
これらの音源は全てラジオ放送のエアー・チェックである。その世界では著名な人が、ボリス・ローズ である。70年代に先輩からコピーを戴いたボリス・ローズの録音リストは、130ページにも及ぶ膨大なもの 。1948年8月29日からのロイアル・ルースト、50年6月8日のカフェ・ソサイティー、アポロ劇場、そして バードランドからの放送録音である。彼は好事家のために12インチのアセテート盤を作成し頒布していました。 後にそれらは多種多様な海賊盤となって輸入レコード店の店頭を賑わせていた。 |
![]() ![]() ![]() |
次の2面のレコードは、ボリス・ローズが制作・販売したアセテート盤。ROSE 19 及びROSE 20の片面で
それぞれが、バンド・ボックスからのエアーチェックを納めている。 ROSE 19には、C-1から8を収録、 ROSE 20(N.Saks氏所有)にはA-3,B-5,C-9,10を収録している。 ![]() ![]()
1. | Foogereemi (with voiceover introduction) (B. Harris) (No Bird) | (6:25) | Here we are again at the Bandbox. This is Leonard Feather,
introducing the next number of Bill Harris... [cut off] |
2. | Introduction (Leonard Feather) | (1:01) | LF: "You know, uh, Philadelphia has made quite a number of great contributions to the jazz world. Recently here at the Bandbox we had Charlie Ventura; later tonight you'll be hearing Stan Getz and Buddy De Franco; and then the artist that's on the stand now is a guy who used to work around his native Philadelphia with both of 'em. Bill Harris has a rich background of great associations, first with bands like Bob Chester and Benny Goodman, then in 1944 with Woody, and since then several years on and off as a member of Norman Granz's Jazz at the Philharmonic team, which by the way left for Sweden Sunday morning and opens in Stockholm tonight. But Bill Harris did not make the transatlantic trip of course, and he's ready here and now to accept the latest tribute to his talent, the plaque for winning the number one position in trombone in this year's Down Beat poll. Bill Harris, congratulations... (applause) I better hold it for you, Bill, while you get back to the bandstand to, uh, play the next number, I think it's one that you and Chubby used to do back in the Herman herd, 'Your Father's Moustache'..." |
3. | Your Father's Moustache -vBand (voiceover) (add Parker) | (5:13) |
4. | Conversation between Feather and Parker | (1:42) |
LF: "Well, as you heard, we had a surprise on that number, a sort of extra added attraction.
I'd like you to meet him now. You know, last week on this show, Harry Carney and Stan Getz
received their awards as top men in the Down Beat poll on baritone and tenor sax, respectively.
Well, moving up the scale a little, to the alto sax, we find that the number one spot in that
department was again won by the Kansas City Flash, the man who brought a new style and a
whole new era to jazz history, the man to whom I'm now very happy to hand his Down Beat
victory plaque, the inimitable Charlie Parker..." (applause) "Well, wait a minute now. Now,
in a... in addition to voting for the top man on each instrument, the Down Beat readers this
year voted for their favorite soloist regardless of instrument, and in this department, the
vote also went to Charlie Parker, so he's won himself two plaques. Charlie, congratulations
again. " CP: "Thank you very much, really, Leonard... Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. " LF: "Well, Charlie, you've got yourself quite a collection of plaques. How many years have you been winning? " CP: "Oh, now... " LF: "Four or five years, I guess. " CP: (unclear under Feather) " ...to come, Leonard, and I'm very proud... " LF: "Well, all I know is... " CP: "...to have two beautiful plaques here. " LF: "You deserve every one of them. " CP: "Thank you very much... " LF: "Charlie... " CP: "I'm very proud. " LF: "It's been a great pleasure to be able to present them. Now we have another group coming back on the stand, a young man whom I mentioned just now as our tenor sax winner, Stan Getz, with... with a great drummer who's just returned to the Bandbox, he was here when the club opened a few weeks ago, let's just give him a real Bandbox welcome, Buddy Rich on the drums..." (applause) "And with Sonny Truitt on the piano and Chubby Jackson still on bass, we have 'I'll Remember April'..." |
8 inch acetete LP | Radiodiffusion Francaise no.No | 1 - 4, complete |
![]() |
BirdBox(It)LP19/22, Queen(It) Q-002, Elysinm 8008 | 3 only |
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Charly(UK) CD-Dig-16, JUTB(It)CD-3015, Philology(It)W120.2, W851.2, RLR(EU) 88667 | 3 only |
1. | Interview (Leonard Feather, Charlie Parker) | (0:52) |
CP: "Thank you, thank you, thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen, and thank you Leonard. I mean..." LF: "Charlie..." CP: "...you forgot to mention this alto sax, yes, this is a gift from an Englishman, over three years ago..." LF: "Yes, I heard these things started in England. Do you think they're gonna become popular in this country?" CP: "Well, I couldn't say that. I have no comment that way..." LF: (laughs) Well, it's certainly wonderful to hear you play it anyway, Charlie. Maybe later on, everybody'd be playing it just because you started the plastic saxophone." CP: "I don't know about that, Leonard..." LF: "No. Tell us what you're gonna play with it anyway." CP: "Oh, well, at first I thought maybe it might be nice, since Dizzy and I are both working here on 52nd Street and Broadway, between 52nd and 53rd, places right next door to one another, that we play a tune that was first devised by the two of us years ago." LF: "Oh, I..." CP: "An old 52nd..." LF: "...think I know which one you mean." CP: "Which one? 'Groovin''..." LF: 'Groovin' High'?" CP: "High'", that's right." LF: "OK, let's go. And with the Milt Buckner trio..." [ Incomplete (last 0:22) on Philology ] | ||
2. | Groovin' High (D. Gillespie-F. Paparelli) | (3:33) |
![]() |
BirdBox(It)LP19/22 , Columbia JC-34831 | 1 - (Last 0:22), 2 |
![]() |
Queen(It) Q-002 , FlMiBox-41/44 | 2 |
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CBS(EU)466.530.2 | 1 - (last 0:23), 2 | ![]() |
JUTB(It)CD-3015 , RLR(EU) 88667 | 1 - (last 0:22), 2 | ![]() |
Philology(It)W851.2 | 1 - (last 0:06), 2 |
1. | Caravan (with introduction) (D. Ellington-J. Tizol-I. Mills) into Cool Blues (C.Parker) | (1:08) |
BG: "It's Charlie Parker inviting you to join our night ride on the Jazz Caravan...
From the Bandbox, ladies and gentlemen, on Broadway between 51st and 52nd Street, it's the music of Charlie Parker
and his fine group coming your way for the next few minutes.
Yes, a lot of good music, and it's only the beginning of the Jazz Caravan.
The greatest jazz stars in the world are going to be appearing for the next couple of hours: Charlie Parker,
Buddy Rich, Georgia Carr, Marian McPartland and the Trio, Johnny Bubbles, and then there's Vin Strong and Tiny Davis,
all coming your way with a lot of good music. And now, ladies and gentlemen, (Parker starts playing "Cool Blues,"
which runs until the end of the announcement, 0:21-0:40) the co-editor of Downbeat magazine, Mr. Leonard Feather.
Let's give him a big welcome..." LF: "Thanks Bob. And once again for all you jazz fans, greetings and modulations. We'll introduce the members individually in a moment, but first, Charlie Parker and the group and their first number, 'Star Eyes'..." | ||
2. | Star Eyes (D. Raye-G. DePaul-P. Johnston) | (4:37) |
3. | My Little Suede Shoes (with introduction) (C. Parker) | (0:44) |
Voiceover throughout: "Well I don't have to tell you about the leader of the group, Charlie Parker, of course,
the great modern style-setter and pace-maker on the alto saxophone; but I do have to tell you about the men with
him tonight. They are Walter Bishop, Jr. at the piano -- very talented pianist, son of the very well-known and
equally talented songwriter father. And on drums, a young gentleman who's been with Charlie on and off for quite
a while, Roy Haynes, and on bass, Kenny O'Brien. Now here comes a number that Charlie, with Dizzy, originated
and recorded quite a few years ago out on the coast, it's Charlie's composition, a very famous one in bop circles,
| ||
4. | Ornithology (C. Parker-B. Harris) | (1:53) |
Parker and Haynes exchanges following Bishop's solo (3:10-4:19); the "How High the Moon" melody is used during the closing chorus
| ||
5. | 52nd Street Theme (with announcement) (T. Monk) | (0:51) |
Voiceover from 0:08: BG: "Ladies and gentlemen, we just wanna tell you some big news right now, before we do anything
else. Beginning April the third, of course that's next Friday night, Mr. B, Billy Eckstine, will be here at the Bandbox
with one of the greatest shows in the land. And along with him, Count Basie and his Orchestra, and Dave Brubeck and
the Quartet. So remember the opening night, April the third, for Mr. B, Billy Eckstine, a great, great star coming
in here to the Bandbox. So try to get down to the Bandbox as soon as you can and right now Machito, Charlie Parker,
Buddy Rich, Sonny Stitt, all appearing here with a lot of wonderful entertainment. The Bandbox is easy to get to,
you know, between 52nd and 53rd Street, right on Broadway in the heart of Manhattan. So get to the Bandbox and the
best evening of music in the land..."
| ||
6. | Interview (Feather, Parker) | (0:40) |
LF: "Hey Bob, I was talking to Charlie Parker over there, and trying to figure out what's coming up next.
This number has quite a little history, I believe, it's listed here as "Dynamo A," Charlie, but I think it is,
I remember it as 'Dizzy Atmosphere' on a record you made with Dizzy quite a few years ago." CP: "No, Leonard, it wasn't 'Dizzy Atmosphere'..." LF: "Am I wrong?" CP: "It's not the same record at all. This is a thing they recorded in Los Angeles quite a few years ago, it's a satire of the tune 'Lover', and..." LF: "Oh yes, I remember now..." CP: "That's right, 'Dynamo A' and 'Dynamo B'..." LF:" Well, let's hear 'Dynamo A'..." CP: "Or would you like to hear 'Dynamo B'?" LF: "Well I'm not quite sure which is which, so maybe I can figure..." CP: "Well, I'll try to give you an example then." LF: "Okay, let's go. Charlie Parker All-Stars and 'Dynamo A'..." | ||
7. | Dynamo A [Diggin' Diz] (C. Parker) | (4:14) |
Parker plays the "Lover" melody at the bridge of the closing chorus (3:39-3:55)
| ||
8. | 52nd Street Theme (with announcement) (T. Monk) | (0:35) |
Voiceover from 0:10: LF: "Charlie, I would like it very, very much at this point if you could give us, give a version of an old standard that you recorded a few years ago, George Gershwin's 'Embraceable You' -- would that be possible at this point?" CP: "At this point, Leonard, I don't see how I can refuse you." LF: "Well, wonderful, let's hear it..." | ||
9. | Embraceable You (G. Gershwin-I. Gershwin) | (3:12) |
Parker plays the "Country Gardens" closing tag (3:01-3:10)
| ||
10. | 52nd Street Theme (with closing announcement) (T. Monk) | (0:19) |
Voiceover from 0:09: "Wonderful music coming your way by Charlie Parker, from the Bandbox. You know the Jazz Caravan
is presented from 12 to 2 every Sunday night, bringing you plenty of good jazz music, all the great stars in the
jazz field..."
![]() |
BirdBox (It) LP19/22, Klact (UK) MG100, Odeon (Ja) ERO-9015C/1 | all | ![]() |
Queen(It) Q-002 , Elysium 8008 | 2, 4, 7, 9 |
![]() |
JUTB(It)CD-3016, Philology(It)W851.2 , RLR(EU) 88667 | all |
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Radiodiffusion Francaise (Fr) 8" Acetate LP No Number 収録曲 A 1-4 All |
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![]() 収録曲 A3, B1 (0:22), B2 |
![]() 収録曲 C - All |
![]() 収録曲 A3, B1 (0:06), B2, C - all |
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![]() 収録曲 A3 |
![]() 収録曲 A3 |
![]() 収録曲 B1 (0:23), B2 |
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![]() 収録曲 A3, B1 (0:22), B2, C - all |
ルートで入手されたかは不明です。 | |||||||||||||||
-a. インタビュー、ロングヴァージョン 2分15秒 テキスト変換は、Mr. Norman Saks
Bandbox, NYC 16 February 1953: - Your Father's Moustache - Conversation between Feather and Parker LF: Well, as you heard, we had a surprise on that number, a sort of extra added attraction. I'd like you to meet him now. You know, last week on this show, Harry Carney and Stan Getz received their awards as top men in the Down Beat poll on baritone and tenor sax, respectively. Well, moving up the scale a little, to the alto sax, we find that the number one spot in that department was again won by the Kansas City Flash, the man who brought a new style and a whole new era to jazz history, the man to whom I'm very happy to hand his Down Beat victory plaque, the inimitable Charlie Parker. [ applause ] Well, wait a minute, now. Now, in a-in addition to voting for the top man on each instrument, the Down Beat readers this year voted for their favorite soloist regardless of instrument, and in this department, the vote also went to Charlie Parker, so he's won himself two plaques. Charlie, congratulations again. CP: Thank you very much [unclear] Leonard. Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. LF: Well, Charlie, you've got yourself quite a collection of plaques. How many years have you been winning? CP: Oh, now - LF: Four or five years, I guess. CP: [ unclear under Feather ] - to come, Leonard, and I'm very proud - LF: Well, all I know is - CP: - to have two beautiful plaques here. LF: - you deserve every one of them CP: Thank you very much. LF: Charlie - CP: Very proud. LF: It's been a great pleasure to be able to present them. Now we have another group coming back on the stand, a young man whom I mentioned just now as our tenor sax winner, Stan Getz. With-[applause] LF: おわかりのように、当番組に おどろきと新鮮な魅力をもって彼をむかえたいと思います。ご承知のように、 先週当番組でハリー・カーネイとスタン・ゲッツがダウンビート誌人気投票のバリトン及びテナー・サックスで のトップの栄誉を手にしました。そしてアルト・サックス部門に目を移してみると、再びカンザスシティ・フラ ッシュが勝利。ジャズの歴史に新スタイルと新時代をもたらした、ならぶ者なきチャーリー・パーカーに歓 喜をもって、このダウンビート誌の賞をささげます。(歓声)ちょっと待ってください。しかもですよ。さらにダ ウンビートの読者は、一番好きな全ての楽器奏者部門も、チャーリー・パーカーのものになりました。 彼は2個の楯を獲得しました。再びチャーリーにお祝い申し上げます。 CP: ありがとうございます。(不明瞭な・…)レオナルド。 淑女と紳士の皆さんありがとうございます。 LF: さて、チャーリーあなたは、あなた自身のために、多くの楯をコレクションしました。 あなたは、何年に勝 っていましたか? CP: 現在、おお? LF: 4年間か5年間、と私は推測します。 CP: (不明瞭なFeather?)来るために、レオナルド、そして私は非常に誇りに思っています。 LF: さて、私が知っているすべてがそうですか? CP: ここに2個の美しい楯を持つために。 LF: あなたはそれらの皆に値します。 CP: ありがとうございます。 LF: チャーリー? CP: 非常に誇りに思います。 LF: 彼らを紹介できたことは大変うれしいことです。いままたもう一つのグループがスタンドに帰ってきました。 たった今申し上げた若い男性、テナー・サックスのスタン・ゲッツ!「拍手」 Bandbox, NYC 23 March 1953: Conversation between Feather and Parker CP: Thank you, thank you, thank you very much ladies and gentlemen, and thank you Leonard. I mean- LF: Charlie - CP: - you [ forgot? ] to mention this alto sax, yes, this is a gift from an Englishman, over three years ago. LF: Yes, I heard these things started in England. Do you think they're gonna become popular in this country? CP: Well, I couldn't say that; I have no comment that way. LF: [ laughs ] Well, it's certainly wonderful to hear you play it anyway, Charlie. Maybe later on, everybody'd be playing it just because you started the plastic saxophone. CP: I don't know about that, [ Leonard? ]. LF: [ No. ] Tell us what you're gonna play with it anyway. CP: Oh, well, at first I though maybe it might be nice since Dizzy and I are both working here on 52nd Street and Broadway between 52nd and 53rd, places right next door to one another, that we play a tune that was first devised by the two of us years ago. LF: Oh, I - CP: An old 52nd - LF: - think I know which one you mean. CP: Which one? "Groovin' - LF: "Groovin' High" ? CP: - High." That's right. LF: OK, let's go. And with the Milt Buckner trio! CP: ありがとう、ありがとう、ありがとう、紳士淑女のみなさん。 そして。ありがとうレオナルド、私が言わんとーー。 LF: チャーリー CP: あなた、忘れた? このアルトサックスについてのこと。 はいこれは数年前に英国の方からの贈り物です。 LF: はい、英国から販売されると聞きました。あなたは、これがこの国で人気が出ると思いますか? CP: そうですね それに関しては何とも言えないですね。それについてはノーコメントです。 LF: …笑い…とにかく貴方が演奏するのを、聴けるのはすばらしいことです。 チャーリー!、多分いずれあなたがプラスティック・アルトを始めれば、みんなも演奏を始めるよ。 CP: 私にはどうか分からないけど…レオナード?… LF: いいえ、それで何を演奏しようとしているのか教えてよ! CP: ああ、ともかく私は、最初はディジーと私がここ、ニューヨーク52番街で働いていて、52番目と53番目の間の ブロードウェイで、お互いにちょうど隣の場所の両方であるので、たぶん、私たち が何年も前に、最初に私たち2人によって考案された曲を演奏するのが、良いかもし れません。 LF: オー、 CP: そして旧52番通り LF: あんたがどちらを説明しているか良く分かるよ! CP: どちらだい。 「グルービン…」。 LF: 「グルービン・ハイ」? CP: 「ハイ」。 そうだよ。 LF: OK、いってみようか! そしてミルト・バックナー・トリオと共に!!